On Monday, January 25, I visited Kaarderij Wollust in Noordwolde. Wollust is a small factory that cards and spins wool by machine. Bart Hoogeboom is the owner and he gave me a tour through the warehouse. There are about eight large machines that mainly card, but some of which also pick, spinning or make fleece. Customers can hand in raw wool and he washes and processes it. His clientele is very diverse, from private individuals to large wool outlets.
The costs are for processing sheep's wool are:
For washing € 7.50 per KG
For only detangling (picking) € 2.50 per KG
For carding € 7.50 per KG of washed weight
Sliver wool € 1.00 per KG extra above carding
Carding wool for the second time € 5.00 per KG

On the left you see the picking machine. This machines pulls the locks apart after they have been washed and dried. Next to it you see one of the carding machines. The motorised part at the frond, after the white role, is where the carded wool is turned into Sliver wool. These are long strands of wool that are easy to spin.

This is one of the oldest carding machines the factory has. Also one of the fastest.

This machine also cards the wool and then divides the fibers into small stands that will afterwards be spun on the spinning machine.

I will be joining him for one day, the first week of February to help him out in the factory.