Solving the problem of the wool industry seems like an enormous task. It scares me and the magnitude of the problem is demotivating. In the past month I have seen many designers and small businesses try to come up with a solution and putting their best foot forward in changing a small part of the industry. I want to take these small initiatives as an inspiration and invest my energy in sharing a positive story and honest product, rather than trying to solve the whole problem at once.
I want to give an opposition to the mass industry by give craftmanship a voice.
Target group
This is targeted to people in the current society who also no longer believe in fast, cheap and rapid consumption. Who bring the popular topic of ‘sustainable’ living into action.  People who care about the resource and material of a product and see relevance in keeping its ecological footprint small. They care about who makes their product and in what conditions they work. They have respect for the craftsmen and his skills and are prepared to pay a fair price regarding it’s material, working hours, production energy and design.
Word cloud
After the past month of research, looking into different designers, products and methods, I feel like I found what is important to me and what I agree on.
To start designing I give myself some design guidelines:
1. To use the barn as starting point and work with the wool type that is in there. The properties of the wool that is at hand from the Schoonebeker schepen.
2. To focus on local production of a product and set up collaborations with craftsmen in the province of Friesland.